Friday, October 9, 2009

My thoughts on over-the-knee boots

My personal opinion on knee-high, over-the-knee, and theigh-high boots? I don't care for them.
Your personal opinion? Totally up to you and your personal style/preferences/ect.

They're huge this fall season, so if you like following trends, or are curious about trying the new footwear style, go ahead and indulge yourself. This is one trend that is sure to repeat itself, so you'll find yourself wearing these boots again and again. If they happen to go out of style in a few years

When buying a pair, be sure to keep these things in mind:

-Since you will find yourself wearing these for years to come, make sure you find one that YOU like. Styles, color, prints, they all circulate in and out of fashion, but your personal preferences will not. Be sure and differentiate between what YOU like and what you see a lot of.

-Be sure to try on the boots before you buy them. They should fit snugly throughout your leg and not sag. Walk a few times in front of a mirror to see how they hold up. It might take a few tries to find the pair that flatters you the most. If you plan on wearing them with jeans, wear jeans while you shop so you can get the most accurate fit.

-Be mindful of what you wear them with. Pairing these high boots with jeans, medium-long skirt, and leggings without holes looks classy... microminis and fishnets/ripped leggings look trashy.

***picture is from, and shows a good example of how good-fitting boots should look on you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

^__^ corsets...

A couple days ago, I felt the sudden urge to buy a corset.
No real logical behind the sudden need, but with a disposable income, I gave into my curiosities and hopped on google to see if I can buy one online.

... They're a thousand fucking dollars.

Honstley though, there's a few that are selling for a few hundred, but either way, I wasn't ready to shell out mega-cash to go play dress-up in overpriced undergarments.

The next day i went to the mall, and I found a perfect little gothic one in Hot Topic.

It was only perfect though becuase I had no serious intentions of using it for what it's really for. Corsets are a shaping and binding undergarment that has been worn by women as early as the 15th century in order to get the highly-prized "hourglass figure". They CAN be worn as an outergarment for high sex appeal, but really isn't advised.

Case and point- I showed my momma what I had bought that day, and when I showed her the corset, she called it "sleezy". I have no doubt in my mind that if you do attempt to wear a corset as an outergarment, if you are not mindful of your setting, you will get called a "sleeze" too. The stigma is still there, and to many people it's just as bad as wearing a bra as a shirt.

ANYWAY point is is if you're curios about a corset at all, or wanna play a little gothic-style dress up, I suggest going to a generic retailer for a cerca $30 corset in styles that range from strictly intiment apperal to something with a little more... substance.
If you need something that's going to be suffering from a bit more wear-and-tear [yes, use your imagination] or it's needed for a big event [slipping into that perfect wedding gown and make everyone jealous becuase you look so damn good in it], go for the more pricier online name-brand stores and getting one custom-built for you. In the end, it will be a worth-while investment that will make all the difference.