Thursday, October 8, 2009

^__^ corsets...

A couple days ago, I felt the sudden urge to buy a corset.
No real logical behind the sudden need, but with a disposable income, I gave into my curiosities and hopped on google to see if I can buy one online.

... They're a thousand fucking dollars.

Honstley though, there's a few that are selling for a few hundred, but either way, I wasn't ready to shell out mega-cash to go play dress-up in overpriced undergarments.

The next day i went to the mall, and I found a perfect little gothic one in Hot Topic.

It was only perfect though becuase I had no serious intentions of using it for what it's really for. Corsets are a shaping and binding undergarment that has been worn by women as early as the 15th century in order to get the highly-prized "hourglass figure". They CAN be worn as an outergarment for high sex appeal, but really isn't advised.

Case and point- I showed my momma what I had bought that day, and when I showed her the corset, she called it "sleezy". I have no doubt in my mind that if you do attempt to wear a corset as an outergarment, if you are not mindful of your setting, you will get called a "sleeze" too. The stigma is still there, and to many people it's just as bad as wearing a bra as a shirt.

ANYWAY point is is if you're curios about a corset at all, or wanna play a little gothic-style dress up, I suggest going to a generic retailer for a cerca $30 corset in styles that range from strictly intiment apperal to something with a little more... substance.
If you need something that's going to be suffering from a bit more wear-and-tear [yes, use your imagination] or it's needed for a big event [slipping into that perfect wedding gown and make everyone jealous becuase you look so damn good in it], go for the more pricier online name-brand stores and getting one custom-built for you. In the end, it will be a worth-while investment that will make all the difference.

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